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Kind of a late message: Happy 2011! -from Kitty (and Slappy?)

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Pet Giveaway~ Missed a pet? Want a custom?

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Alright. This topic will always be her for when I feel nice and have the urge to give something away.



2 custom PET slots are open. The first two people to post wanting a slot will be able to send in a request for a customizable pet.

Note: This is the pets such as the Koalua and the Belzee. This doesn't include the Foxin or the mini pets (The Happy Sun)


Just a quick list of rules for customizing pets...

Nothing inappropriate, rude or anything like that. Please don't give me a picture that has been copyrighted. Ask me about some things though, I might consider them.
You can add on smaller things like necklaces, bracelets, earrings, small wings, etc. but no larger things like large wings, capes, large instruments, etc.
Finally, you can have the pet of your choice any colour you want, and you can add on markings. If you want a set of markings that are more specific, you can send a picture (does not matter how good or bad it is, I can usually decipher it.)

If you have any questions, send me a PM.

This will end on Sunday 26th, 10:00pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)

Last edited by Kitty on 22/09/10, 03:38 pm; edited 1 time in total



Alright, first two to post get the two pet slots. ONE CONDITION - -

You must rp to get the slot. Simply asking won't get you it Wink

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