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Kind of a late message: Happy 2011! -from Kitty (and Slappy?)

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New Stuff!

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1New Stuff! Empty New Stuff! 09/02/11, 12:23 pm



Alright guys! New year, new stuff, maybe even a new system for items or something. I can elaborate more on that one later, seeing as I know next to nothing now.

As for the site's new name? Not much has been done. I'll get to it, don't worry. Razz

And for the pets!

We have a few new ones coming in AND a new artist for the site! Put your hands together for Corylus!

She'll be sending me pictures that I then trace and colour~ I did have one almost finished, but my computer decided it needed a 'refresh' and restarted while I was away, killing everything I'd done in multiple programs including the one with the pet. So I'm back to step one.

Either way, it'll be on its way soon! So keep an eye out~

I'll be back with more information soon!

2New Stuff! Empty Re: New Stuff! 17/02/11, 06:32 pm


> < gaah. i feel so excited! O_o and nervous. *goes to draw some more*

3New Stuff! Empty Re: New Stuff! 18/02/11, 01:11 am



Haha, yeah~

I've started on building the new site, so chances are I'll start transferring everyone and everything really soon (as soon as I get understand how to get Slappy as an admin as well...) and once that's done I'll throw the new pets up. Wink

4New Stuff! Empty Re: New Stuff! 18/02/11, 01:59 pm


Woohooo! Very Happy i can't wait! (but, really, i can wait. take your time. it's worth the wait for something so wonderful.)

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